Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR |
C: 119. Oversee next contract documents and accruals |
05/31/2014 |
05/27/2014 |
Pre-acquisition complete for Natapoc property in Upper Wenatchee |
D: 172. Natapoc - Upper Wenatchee Property - 2010-54 |
08/30/2013 |
08/31/2012 |
Completed Construction of 3-D Habitat Enhancement Features |
E: 29. 3-D Stillwaters Habitat Enhancement Project - 2009-29 |
05/31/2014 |
08/22/2012 |
Complete Construction on the 8 Mile Ranch Project |
F: 29. Chewuch River 8-Mile Ranch LWD- 2010-48 |
08/31/2012 |
08/03/2012 |
Restore Native Vegetation and Soil Conditions |
G: 47. Chewuch River 8-Mile Ranch Re-vegetation - 2010-48 |
11/01/2013 |
11/01/2012 |
Remove and Re-Construct 3,300 feet of fence |
H: 40. Remove and Install Fence for 8 Mile Ranch - 2010-48 |
10/05/2012 |
10/12/2012 |
Complete the USFS NEPA process for projects in the Chewuch Watershed |
I: 165. Chewuch River USFS NEPA Process - 2011-84 |
05/31/2014 |
05/27/2014 |
Construct Chewuch River Mile 10 Project |
J: 29. Chewuch River Mile 10 Instream LWD - 2010-47 |
08/31/2012 |
08/31/2012 |
Design reports, outreach materials, and final construction documents |
K: 175. Sunnyslope ELJ Design - 2010-45 |
12/15/2012 |
11/30/2012 |
Completed Habitat Restoration Project |
L: 29. Sunnyslope ELJ Construction - 2010-45 |
06/30/2013 |
10/31/2012 |
Produce Plans for Restoration of Middle Methow Reach - Lewisia Road to Twisp |
M: 175. Lewisia Road to Twisp, Middle Methow Reach Engineering 2010-56 |
05/31/2014 |
05/29/2014 |
Design reports, outreach materials, and final construction documents |
N: 175. Twisp River RM 0.7 to 1.7 Restoration Design - 2010-54 |
05/31/2014 |
12/31/2012 |
Design reports, outreach materials, and final construction documents |
O: 175. Beaver Creek MSRF Properties Restoration Design - 2010-40 |
07/19/2013 |
07/19/2013 |
Reintroduce 4 Families of Beavers into the Upper Methow Watershed |
P: 190. Reintroduce Beavers - Methow Watershed 2009-19 |
05/31/2013 |
05/31/2013 |
Completed Habitat Restoration Project |
Q: 29. NEW CR28515 Old Schoolhouse Fish Enhancement Project Construction (Beaver Creek) - 2010-40 |
05/31/2014 |
09/19/2013 |
Design reports, outreach materials, and final construction documents |
R: 175. NEW CR28515 Twisp River, RM3 Side Channel Restoration Design - 2011-64 |
05/31/2014 |
Design reports, outreach materials, and final construction documents |
S: 175. NEW CR28515 Twisp River Poorman Crk Road Design - 2012-100 |
05/31/2014 |
Design reports, outreach materials, and final construction documents |
T: 175. NEW CR28515 1st Bend LWP Habitat Restoration Design 2011-81 |
06/30/2013 |
06/30/2013 |
Construct1st Bend LWP Habitat Restoration Project |
U: 30. NEW CR28515 1st Bend LWP Habitat Restoration Construction 2011-81 |
11/30/2013 |
08/09/2013 |
Construct the Chewuch River Mile 11.75-13 River Left Fish Enhancement Project |
V: 29. NEW CR28515 Chewuch River Mile 11.75-13 River Left Fish Enhancement Project 2011-74 |
11/29/2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Produce RM13-15.5 engineered plans |
W: 175. NEW CR28515 Chewuch River Mile 13-15.5 restoration design 2012-96 |
05/30/2014 |
05/27/2014 |
Produce Chewuch River Mile 15.5-17 Fish Enhancement Project Conceptuals |
X: 175. NEW CR28515Chewuch River Mile 15.5-17 survey and conceptual Development 2012-97 |
05/30/2014 |
05/27/2014 |
Upper Wenatchee Public Outreach |
Y: 99. NEW CR28515 Upper Wenatchee Public Outreach - 2012-98 |
05/31/2014 |
05/27/2014 |